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Why Connected Home Link for your Solar Needs?
Best Warranty in The Country. No other company offers a warranty that comes even remotely close.
40-year Warranty
Guaranteed to Increase the resale value of your home.
Will NOT raise your property tax.
No Money out of pocket.
Save money on your first month's Electric Bill and for as well as 60-years from now.
Save The Planet by going GREEN.
Get Government Tax Credits.
The Electric Company will buy back your Electric in credits (dollar for dollar).
Lowest Priced Solar Company.
Highest Quality German Engineered Technology & Construction.
We've been in business longer than almost any other Solar Company in The United States.
Less expensive & higher Quality Panels than almost any other Solar Company on the market.
Our Consultants are Experienced Engineers and Technicians, not Door-to-Door sales people with no experience.
We have been a household name in The Villages and in The United States with more experience than almost any other company including Solar City and Vivint combined.
We offer Better Warranty Protection than any other company in The World.
More warranties: backup warranties, 3rd party warranties, manufacturer warranties, installation warranties, seller warranties, Formost Solar warranty & SelectChoiceTV.com warranty.
No Cost Out of Pocket
Superior Solar’s program enables everyone to enjoy lower energy rates without going out of pocket. Get money back from day one of going solar.
Lock in Low Power Rates
Avoid notorious power company price spikes. You can now lock in energy rates
Own Your Power
Floridians can now own their own solar system by paying less than what they paid to the power company.
Increase Property Value
Solar systems are proven to increase property values, and Florida law protects homeowners from being taxed on that increase.
30% Federal Tax Credit
Take advantage of this solar tax credit while you can, as it’s scheduled to phase out over the next few years.
40-Year Warranty
Our solar systems are built to last in Florida’s climate and come with a production guarantee for over 40 years after installation.
Save Money Now
Save money over your existing Electric Bill and Save Money compared to any other Solar Company.